I saw a film yesterday: Limitless. Not bad, a few plot holes and brush overs, but what set it apart for me was the main character is...a writer. He has career ending writer's block, things are about as downhill for him as they can get. Scissors and long story later basically he ditches writing in order to make money.
This was the script writer's (based on the book) way of saying there's no real money in it. I laughed, not because it was subtle, it wasn't, but because it's true. Trust me to pursue a craft that pays little and requires long hours. Acually I think that covers most of them out there hah!
As to the long hours... well I'm now two weeks into my time "in-between" work. And it's hard. Just the mere act of winding down has taken me by surprise.
But the movie did raise a "what if," one I suspect most writers have pondered over at some stage of their life.
What if I could access all those memories and hazy connections of the past and write like a person inspired all the time? I've thought it, on many an occassion. Still, writing is about getting thoughts onto pages. Worry about the clarity of those pages later, for now, the real joy is found in the act.
So that is what I am endeavouring to do: just the act of writing. From that clarity will come, like a blurry cinema film focused manually. Until then the act will suffice.